I indulged in some retail therapy today and was pleasantly surprised rather than the usual depressed state it leaves me. Being an odd body shape where you fit somewhere between children’s and petite sizes is rather frustrating on the fashion front. I found this morning, that I could get back into an older child size …
Tag: Restricted Growth
They’re Filming Midgets
Watching IN BRUGES on Channel 4, we’re 18 minutes in and Colin Farrell’s character has said the word ‘midget’ multiple times now. The dialogue itself it quite funny and shows well how not-so-bright people actually talk about people with restricted growth. My blood boiled for an instance, but the delivery by Farrell was actually quite …
You Have To Be 110% Better Than Every One Else
This was what was said to me awhile back when I was seeking advice on going for a job. The person was impressed with my CV and tapped into something that I’ve thought about often when trying to establish myself in an interview situation and in a workplace. Whilst I think that it’s got easier …
Someone Tried To Video Me On Their Phone
I was walking down the street with a friend who also has restricted growth, we were quite happily talking away when my friend went quiet. She’d clocked that a young man was taking too long to pass us and our small strides. We turned around and sure enough, he was fiddling with his phone. We …
You Look Like Pygmy
…can I stand next to you to see the difference? Well it’s been the week of attracting attention. This comment was made by a member of the public at work. I tried the ‘we all come in different shapes and sizes’ route, but the poor person didn’t look like they had the social skills to …
End Of Week Blues
It’s Friday and I feel seriously depleted in the energy stakes. It’s like this every week and what is is caused by? Working, in my attempt to be a good citizen and pay taxes. I’ve spoken to other people with restricted about this and it’s a mix bag. Some people don’t suffer in the stamina …
The Restricted Growth Association
There comes a point in most restricted growth person’s life or for parents with kids with a form of dwarfism when you need to reach out to people who are going through similar experiences. This is where charities like the Restricted Growth Association (RGA) and the Child Growth Foundation (CGF) is pivotal to providing this …
3 Tips For Holidaying With Restricted Growth
Aloha! Guess who’s just back from their holidays?!? Moi! Had a fabulous time, ate lots of nice food and saw lots of interesting places. As ever, I always get a bit nervous about visiting new places, which is odd considering I love to travel. The nerves stem mainly from how am I going to get …
Disability Now – Warwick Davis Article
Check out the interview with the short actor Warwick Davis as he talks about his career and up and coming series called ‘Life’s To Short’ which I discussed being rather apprehensive about in a previous post. Warwick admits that the sitcom will probably ‘strike a few nerves’ though insists that it is he who will …
TV Programme Review: Are You Having A Laugh
A friend of mine told me that this programme that takes a look at how disability is portrayed on TV in the last 50 years. While planning our evening timetable of TV, my beau asked me if this was going to one of those programmes that upset me and would have me shouting at the …