Ruminating has been the name of the game for the beginning half of the week. I’ve been feeling out of sorts again and pondering why. There was an anniversary of the passing of my Nanna last week and a difficult test at the hospital which confirmed my tingly fingers, but crikey being electrocuted, even just …
Tag: dwarfism
Dwarfism Documentary – Participant Request
Documentary filmmaker, Mamaponya Motsai has contacted me to ask if I’ll share this request. Mamaponya is looking for people with dwarfism to share what is like living with this disability. Details are below. I’m a film student at UCL and we have been tasked to do a film about an issue we think is of importance. I …

You’re Just Little – The Powerful Impact of the Participants’ Photographs
You’re Just Little is a photographic exhibition that revealed the challenges, obstacles and societal assumptions people with Dwarfism face on a daily basis and ran between 4th – 14th October 2018 at Spectrum Cultural Hub. How participation started The initial proposal for the exhibition was to show my photography and challenge the gallery space by …
You’re Just Little – Exhibition Tour
The video is a silent tour around the You’re Just Little exhibition at Spectrum Cultural Hub from October 2018. It starts by looking at the promotional postcard with the exhibition’s details on, moving around the corner to take a look at the participant’s photos. Continuing onto the wall description about the exhibition taking in the …

You’re Just Little – Arty Parti
What a great way to start Dwarfism Awareness Month! On Monday 1st October, I joined presenter, Jay Sykes, and Kathryn Barnett, Spectrum Cultral Hub’s Studio Director, to chat about the ‘You’re Just Little’ photographic exhibition on Arty Parti, Spark FM’s participatory arts programme. We talked about what has influenced the exhibition, plans for the future …

Little People UK 7th Annual Convention
Over the summer tweets about the 7th annual convention for Little People UK (LPUK) started to come through my Twitter feed. I was incredibly impressed with the line-up of activities and workshops that were booked for the weekend, wishing that I could attend. Sammy Davis, the chairperson of LPUK, reached out and said that they …

Dwarfism and the Blue Badge Scheme
In the UK we have a scheme that provides those with mobility difficulties accessible and on-street parking. These parking bays are usually wider than average parking spaces, and generally located nearest to a particular building or area of town or city. To quote the website… “The aim of the Blue Badge scheme is to …
Car Engines Don’t Need To Be Small For Small People, Right?
LL: “Pardon me? (Eh! in my brain – did I just hear that right?)” “Well, your car only needs adaptations to help you drive the car, it doesn’t need, like a smaller engine though does it?” a work colleague (WC) asked me the other day. LL: “…Er, no, they don’t make smaller engines for people …
Please Blow Away You Gales
So the upper part of the great British Isles have been battered by rain and gales over the last few days and don’t I know about it! Regular readers of HLL will know of my intense, intense hatred of high winds/gales. This weekend’s blustery times left me literally housebound and unable to go about my …
Guardian Article: Would dwarfism stop me becoming the best mum I could be?
I found this inspiring article written by Michelle Harris on the Guardian website today and wanted to share it with you dear readers. Wonderfully written, it tells the journey of Michelle and early motherhood. Being a woman, I could completely identify with her worries, concerns and fears about bearing a child and how we would …