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Montage of final UNION19 creative activism weekend at Wortley Hall

UNION – Wortley Hall – Finishing With A Flourish

Last year,  at the beginning of 2019, a group of emerging artists and creative activists gathered at ChapelFM – Arts Centre for East Leeds. The first cohort arrived for the beginning of a new, year-long, course called UNION – The Northern School of Creativity and Activism.  The same weekend,  52 weeks later saw 15 of …

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Union -The Northern School of Creativity and Activism - reflective journal

UNION – The Northern School of Creativity and Activism – Leeds

Over the weekend of 11-12th January 2019, 20 creatives, artists and activists from the North of England met at a converted chapel for the commencement of UNION – The Northern School of Creativity and Activism. UNION is a sector-based coaching programme for emerging community artists and social activists across the North of England.  The aim of …

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