for the temperamental state of this blog of late…. I’m assured the problem has been resolved.
Author: Little Lady
You Look Like Pygmy
…can I stand next to you to see the difference? Well it’s been the week of attracting attention. This comment was made by a member of the public at work. I tried the ‘we all come in different shapes and sizes’ route, but the poor person didn’t look like they had the social skills to …
Hello Short Arse
Was walking into a well known card shop in town, 3 boys, probably about 11 or 12 were walking towards me in my path. Their faces were a picture when they were presented with a woman who is much older than them, but looks up to them. Out of cheekiness and trying to be clever …
Label Me, Label You
Label for me, Label for you.…we all get them given, we all give them. I imagine even the nicest person in the world without prejudices will at some point make snap judgement about the people they meet… whether it’s about someone’s manner in which they present themselves, how they behave or their accent. Each of …
End Of Week Blues
It’s Friday and I feel seriously depleted in the energy stakes. It’s like this every week and what is is caused by? Working, in my attempt to be a good citizen and pay taxes. I’ve spoken to other people with restricted about this and it’s a mix bag. Some people don’t suffer in the stamina …
So You're The One Marrying A Midget
It’s probably been just over a year since my beau had this rather horrible comment said to him while he was at work. To the uninitiated, some idiot thought it would they would try and get a rise out of him, thankfully beau was moved on quickly by his workmates as he went to punch …
One To Watch – BBC Three Small Teen, Big World
For those of you with Freeview, tune your TV’s to BBC 3 on Tuesday 27th July at 9.00pm ladies and gents! BBC Three’s Adult Season is returning to our screens! The series explores the pressures on young people growing up quickly. On 27th July episode Small Teen, Big World with Jazz that tell the relationship …
The Restricted Growth Association
There comes a point in most restricted growth person’s life or for parents with kids with a form of dwarfism when you need to reach out to people who are going through similar experiences. This is where charities like the Restricted Growth Association (RGA) and the Child Growth Foundation (CGF) is pivotal to providing this …
Having a busy summer so far
…but not happy that the weather has gone a little cooler. The heat helps makes my joints feel less stiff – ho hum. Fear not, I’ve not gone into a pre-hibernation state, just enjoying the summer 🙂 More Little Lady ramblings to follow mid-week.
3 Tips For Holidaying With Restricted Growth
Aloha! Guess who’s just back from their holidays?!? Moi! Had a fabulous time, ate lots of nice food and saw lots of interesting places. As ever, I always get a bit nervous about visiting new places, which is odd considering I love to travel. The nerves stem mainly from how am I going to get …