Oh well, best intentions and all that but again I’ve left HLL looking like a digital graveyard. It’s unintentional believe you me, it’s been a busy few months that haven’t left me much time or energy to write much. So apologises to all of you who have emailed and left kind messages of support about …
Author: Little Lady
Life Got In The Way
Blimey, just looked at my blog here and realised it’s been a while since I’ve posted. Bad Little Lady ha ha. In all seriousness, life has gotten rather busy since the end of January with some rather major events and other major events me and the beau are planning for later in the year, which …
Stop Staring
I was out for dinner with my family and as I walking back to the table with my food I overheard a girl telling her younger sister to stop staring. Of course I averted my eyes and pretend not to hear with my ears as it was the end of the work day and I …
Warwick Davis – Size Matters Not Book Review
I’ve mentioned Warwick Davis a number of times on this blog with his interview on Able Radio and his interview in Disability Now and have been anxious to get hold of his autobiography Size Matters Not for some time now. Imagine how glad I was to find a copy of the hardback in my local …
The One Thing You Learn To Do As A Person With Restricted Growth
Do You Identify As Disabled?
I was having ‘that’ conversation at work the other day. You know the one where a person who is curious or has a particular view of you wants to validate what their attitudes towards disability/restricted growth. It usually starts with ‘I don’t mean this to sound like it does, but I just see you as …
DLA To Be Changed
I’ve stayed clear of this for some time now as it’s a subject that makes me severely depressed. The universal benefit Disability Living Allowance is to be renamed to Personal Independent Payments. All claimants are to be reassessed except those with a terminal illness. This is the point where I hang my head and cry. …
Holiday Greetings
Hope you are all having a wonderful time over the Christmas and New Year holidays. Here’s to hoping you having a happy and prosperous new 2011. Keep a reading 😉
You’re Small – Get Over It!
Hmmm! This one always manages to hit a raw nerve and lets just say that it had the desired effect by the person saying it on making me feel incredibly angry and upset. Did I take the person to task? Hell no, the people around me told me not to indulge them and to rise …
Katie Price and the Bully Boy Frankie Boyle
The ‘comedian’ Frankie Boyle’s been at it again, and I say comedian in the loosest sense of the term, because really, this guy seriously isn’t funny. Not content with picking on kids with Down Syndrome, he’s now picking on a specific disabled kid. Good on Katie Price for sticking up for her son Harvey and …