So, the nation was finally exposed to the first episode of Gervais’ – Life’s Too Short on BBC2. One of the things that appears to shine through is the focus on the central characters personality, which having read other reviews around t’internet, agree that some of the situations would have been funny regardless of Warwick’s …
Author: Little Lady
I Need The Paediatric Version Of That
I love the NHS, to the bottom of my heart and am incredibly worried by the current legislation and what seems the march of privatisation into our health system. I feel proud to have been looked after and continue to be so by some of the most caring, knowledgeable people to grace this planet. Yes, …
Florida Representative Wants To Repeal Dwarf Tossing Legislation – WTF?
I’ve held off talking about this subject for quite sometime, mainly because it’s to do with those good folks on the other side of the pond, but I’m astonished that a person in government would even propose the repealing legislation that protects us people of short stature from being used as human shotputs. Dwarf-tossing, make …
The Making of… Life’s Too Short Review
I really, really wanted to hate this programme and there were a few toe-curling moments. But not because it was a gag about a dwarf or poking fun at a dwarf. What really comes through is the strength of (or more like the lack of) character played by Warwick Davis. How many of us can …
Ricky Gervais: ‘Bring on the haters’ on The Guardian website
In an interview on The Guardian website, the comedian Ricky Gervais wonders why people are worried that his new comedy ‘Life’s Too Short’ will be a “cruel comedy” and “…that people confuse the subject of the joke with the target of the joke…”. Well Mr Gervais, when you have been the butt of jokes – …
Life’s Too Short – The Making Of
Warwick Davis’ new comedy series with Ricky Gervais is due to start soon – I’ve caught the trailer on BBC 1 on a number of occasions over the last week or so. The Making of the Series is due to air on BBC 2 this Saturday (5th November) at 10.15pm – so set your set-top …
Challenging Your Disability Living Allowance Decision
I’ve received a few emails in recent weeks regarding people with restricted growth having their awards removed and if I had any tips for making an appeal. Thankfully, I haven’t been through the horrible process for a number of years, though in scarily similar circumstances, as it was the time when a new government came …
3 Tips For Buying Petrol As A Person With Restricted Growth
I’ve blogged about this before, but I am always apprehensive when I go to the petrol station to fill up the car. On more than one occasion I have been either stopped or had an issue with pressing the pump. Thankfully it doesn’t happen so often these days, but if you are like me – …
Performer Refers To Her Child As Midget
I’m a bit late on picking this one up and I don’t want to get into the racism row regarding Kelis at the airport. I was, however, mystified (and somewhat alarmed as to) why the performer would use the the offensive word ‘midget’ (the equivalent of the ‘N’ word to people with restricted growth), …
I’m Flirting With Google Ads…
Hello lovely readers, you might notice a change or two around here. I’ve installed a Google Ads banner in some of the more popular posts on a 3-month trial basis. This is mainly to try and cover the running costs of this blog… anything else is a bonus. While I know some people don’t take …