[ Before people start commenting – please be aware that I am neither Jasmine or Bev Burkitt. Their official website can be found over here ] I’ve taken straight to the computer after watching the next instalment of Jasmine Burkitt in Small Teen Turns Eighteen on BBC Three. The difficulties in getting clothes and shoes …
Author: Little Lady
BBC Three – Small Teen Turns Eighteen
Ooooh exciting news ladies and gentlemen, book some time in front of your TV this coming Monday 7th May as Jasmine and her Mum, Bev, return to our screens with ‘Small Teen Turns Eighteen’ on BBC Three at 9.00pm. The documentary follows Jazz planning that all important 18th birthday party and keeping us up-to-date with …
Now You’re Pregnant You Won’t Need To Get Your Trousers Shortened – Right?
‘…er no’ was my reply to a colleague. I have a metaphorical head smacks the desk moment. Moving the conversation on (with raised eyebrows)….
Florida Dwarf Tossing Legislation – Update
Looks like common-sense has prevailed and the legislation has been revoked. Yippie-do! One for the greater good. Here’s the Little People of America’s statement on the matter (on Facebook). Such legislation protects and goes to offer dwarves, like myself, protection from the idiots who use our disability for their own humorous ends. Good work LPA! …
Goodness – How Did This Conversation Make It Onto TV?
I’ve been so mad about the chat between Rosie O’Donnell and Chelsea Handler (who?) that I’ve had to take a while to think of a response… it’s still making my blood boil. Well, how to go about reinforcing stereotypes and prejudices surrounding people with dwarfism in one conversation hey?! … actually watch this and find …
The Guardian – Let’s Talk About Disability Series
Talking About Disability The wonderful and frank ‘Talking about disability’ series on The Guardian website. Disability campaigner Nicola Clark chats with Warwick Davis, Baroness Tanni Gray-Thompson and Sally Bercow about their experiences of disability. From the dwarf perspective, I love Warwick’s recounting his P.E. frustrations at school, something I gladly left behind at a young …
If You Read One Blog This Month – Check Out Kiruna Stamell’s
For all fans of Kiruna Stamell, check out her self-entitled blog/official website. I first saw Kiruna in Graeae Theatre Company’s production of ‘Whiter Than Snow‘ as it toured the country a few years ago. Kiruna is an actress who originates from Australia and has worked extensively in theatre, is known for her roles in Channel …
Life’s Too Short – A Social Reflection Of The Dwarf Community And Representation In The Media
Goodness where has the time gone and it’s February already! I know I’m a little late in the write-up for the remaining Life’s Too Short episodes, but the series has provided me with some food for thought since finishing. Generally speaking it’s seems the sitcom limped to the end and the response from the public …
Little Lady Update
For those regular readers who’ve been wondering if I’ve dropped off the edge of the world, fear not, there’s been some rather exciting news in Little Lady’s world and life has thrown somewhat of a curve-ball. A major part of my particular dwarfism is a lack of stamina and an overall prevailing of tiredness which …
Happy Holidays!
I would like to wish all my readers and supporters over the last year or so of Hello Little Lady blog a very Happy Festive season! I hope you all have a wonderful time and wish you all the best for 2012. Keep reading! Little Lady x