I’m late in acknowledging this – but late last year I heard the horrible and shocked by the news that the wonderful Bev Burkitt had passed away. I send many heartfelt condolences to her daughter, Jasmine and her family. Bev was a lovely lady. I had and still do hold much admiration for her, as …
Author: Little Lady
Where Has The Last 18 Months Gone?
…in a daze of nappies, weaning and all things baby and toddler. This last year and half has passed in such a blur. I’d like to say it was a happy blur, but alas it’s been quite the roller-coaster ride. On the one hand, I’ve been seeing Little One grow from being a beautiful baby …
Self-imposed Hiatus
Well, it’s been a truly tough old year. Hello Little Lady will be making a comeback in 2014 with more rants about the perceived injustices of everyday life as a dwarf. Have heard some horrible news today in the dwarf community, which has shocked me to the core and saddened me. I’ll leave it a …
This Made Me Laugh
Check out Kiruna Stamell and Gareth Berliner’s Dave’s Leicester #ComedyShorts video » Given me a bit of a giggle this Monday morning 🙂
Congratulations Ellie Simmonds
…on your fantastic multiple medal wins in the London 2012 Paralympics! Fantastic 🙂 I was cheering this wonderful, inspiring lady on whilst up to my ears in dirty nappies and giving my baby cuddles. What a feel good, special year 2012 was for so many people! Check out Ellie’s official website »
Will I Have To Give Up Work?
…no not because I’ve had a baby, but because I might lose my DLA, thus my Motability car and access to getting to work. The criteria is apparently getting more stringent so the government can cut this particular benefit bill. It scares me. Not only will it mean I won’t be able to get to …
Congratulations Kiruna
…who got married last year to her hubby, Gareth Berliner! Bit late, but all the best guys! See Kiruna’s official website »
War on Welfare and other petitions
I haven’t had my head completely in the sand this last few months and I’ve been increasingly despairing at the looming changes to Disability Living Allowance into Personal Independence Payments. Thankfully the disgraceful treatment of disabled people at the hand of ATOS and their Work Capability Assessments are finally beginning to make into mainstream media …
I Had A Baby
The main reason that I haven’t blogged in such a long time is due to the fact I had a baby, oh and me and the beau decided to move house too. Let’s just say we packed a lot in and it’s only the month that I’ve finally begun to feel like we are coming …
Happy New Year!
….er hello, do you remember me? I used blog around here! I can’t believe it was May 2012 that I last published a post. It’s been one hell of 9 months! Let me fill you in on it over the next few weeks. So how are you?