Home » 3 things you shouldn’t do to a person of restricted growth – part#1

3 things you shouldn’t do to a person of restricted growth – part#1

My first top thing you shouldn’t do to a person of restricted growth is say:

“You’re small!”



I hadn’t noticed!?

No s**t Sherlock!

Really, you’re not the first person to point out the bleedin’ obvious and guess what sunshine, you won’t be the last.

Ok, maybe I’m being a rather harsh here, but when you hear this for the umpteenth time, this statement wears very thin.

It can be said at any random moment, at any random point in a restricted growth person’s daily existence. I’ve had it at work, in my car one hot summer whilst waiting at traffic lights, doing the shopping, buying petrol.

Believe me when I say. There.is.no.escape.

Normally I just nod, give a very tight smile and not really acknowledge what has been said. Usually because I’m busy trying to get on with other areas of my life and don’t particularly want to get into any discussion at that particular point or deal with other peoples’ curiosities.

I’ve had this mindset for quite some time, but about a year ago I got talking to a friend about this and how much, at times, it does get me down. This person in question suggested that this phrase is an ice-breaker that people use to start talking to me. Either because they are curious or would like to strike up a genuine conversation that has nothing to do with the fact I am small. Placing the emphasis on what the other person’s motives to assess each situation and play it out accordingly without coming over as cold, uncommunicative or not having a sense of humour.

That said, if I’m honest – I’d really prefer it if you didn’t say it at all. If you must ask questions being small, make it specific like why. If you don’t get a reply, please don’t take it personally. It’s just something we’ve been through a thousand times before.

Check back in a couple of days for the next installment.

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